Experienced – Talented – Professional

Trek Data Services Inc.

Trek Data Services Inc. is a Service Provider in the IoT area providing wade range LoraWAN network infrastructre and a MSP (Managed Service Provider) for SD-WAN and Cloud Campus services in EMENA Region. Trek Data Services Inc. is a JV of Icondor Telecommunication (Based on Argantina) and Peranova Investment Group (Based on Turkey) Trek HQ is i Turkey and established to provide digital transformation services as a Turkish company. Trek has 4 branches including HQ in İstanbul and Arjantin, Dubai and Antalya.

Let’s Bring Technology to Your Business

Our customer satisfaction who manages their daily operations with IoT


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Our Investers

Icondor Telecommunication has been operating for 30 years at South America prividing IoT and Telecommunication services. Peranova Investing Group hes been investing more than 15 years to technology and telecommunication sectors.

Trek is always ready to creat a value for all parties including partners, customers and countries.

Experienced – Talented – Professional

Meet Our Team

We are happy to work together on the road of success.

Tolga Dinçer
Tolga Dinçer
Oubay Atassi

Board Member

Oubay Atassi
Gürsel Gündoğdu

Project Manager

Gürsel Gündoğdu
Ulvi Arslan

Expert Network Manager

Ulvi Arslan
Muhammed Jarad

Network Administrator

Muhammed Jarad
Kemal Akçay

Senior IOT Engineer

Kemal Akçay